M Shirota
May 20, 2011
Japan-U.S. Chorus Charity Concert for Sendai
It was breathless and very special !
It was a breathless and special moment for all the participants in the Carnegie Hall to be remembered for rest of their lives. We have shared such a warm, wonderful and priceless moment with all participating chorus members including those from HAGI Choir who came from Sendai, Japan, one of the hardest-hit areas by the devastating earthquake and giant tsunami on March 11.
The plan was originally made as a simple joint concert by several chorus groups from US and Japan, including HAGI.
After the massive earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan on March 11, it appeared that the event would likely be cancelled or postponed, but organizers decided to go for the concert as scheduled after receipt of HAGI member's strong wishes to make the trip to New York and sing at Carnegie.
HAGI Choir of over 100 members sang pieces such as "Umino Uta" (The Poem of the Sea) by Japanese composer Ryouhei Hirose, followed by performances by the Alexandria Harmonizers, a renowned amateur barbershop choir based in Virginia, the Men's Glee Club of New York and Japan Choral Harmony, a newly formed to share a stage with HAGI Choir at Carnegie.
For the finale, the groups sang together "Let The Sunshine In" from Musical "Hair" and "May Each Day", an old Andy William song and an ending tune of then popular Andy William"s Show.
みちのく震災支援のための Japan-US Chorus チャリティコンサートは感動の渦の中で無事終了しました。
100人以上のメンバーで構成する萩合唱団は、広瀬量平作曲の組曲「海の詩」などを披露。それに引き続いてバージニアの有名なバーバーショップ合唱団のAlexandria HarmonizersやNY男声合唱団、そして今回「萩」と一緒に1ステージ歌うために新たに結成された日本コーラル・ハーモニーらがその歌声を披露しました。
そしてフィナーレではこれらの合唱団が合同で、ミュージカル「HAIR」からLet The Sunshine In そして昔人気番組だったアンディウイリアムズ・ショーのエンディングソング「May Each Day」を歌って感動のコンサートの幕を下ろしました。
Official Website