M Shirota
Sep 11, 2009
Thank you, All!!
Again, it was a tremendous success!
Thank you very much for coming to our concert. I am sure that you all have enjoyed it. As a participant, each of you made a significant contribution to this concert. I would extend our sincere appreciation to you on behalf of all of my associates who have dedicated themselves to the concert.
I also appreciate the artists who voluntarily participated to this concert. You guys were terrific.
Everyone of you received big applause. You really deserve it. The venue also made a difference.
It was a unique but enjoyable concert where a victim's mother played a piano in a duo to perform a song written by her husband.
I believe that we could deliver some message to people both in US and Japan through a number of media who have reported our concert.
I really look forward to seeing you all next year.
Pictures of the concert will be posted soon.
Also, DVD is now being copied. For those who ordered the DVE, please be patient. I will send you as soon as it is ready.
DVD is still available. Please place an order by email if you like to have one. It is free (suggested donation: $20).
2009 Concert Will Be At NSEC Auditorium!
2nd annual concert of 911 Kazenowa (Circle Wind) Memorial Concert is now decided to be held at New York Society of Ethical Culture, Concert Hall. It is in a historic building built in 1910 and renovated in 2003. The New Yorker magazine once praised the hall as "The best home for chamber music in the area with warm, full acoustics". It is also well known as a venue for choir music due to the superb sound effect. I still remember that New York Men's Choir used to have its annual concerts at this auditorium in every winter, and gave a fantastic harmony to audiences with its 50+ male voices. It is expected again this year that a number of active music artists from Japan and New York will be participating to this concert and their professional performances are now assured at this venue. It is located at the heart of upper west side of NYC, right next to Central Park and just off one block from Lincoln Center. Convenient to all transportation and parking.
第二回となる今年の9.11風の環メモリアルコンサートは NY Ethical Cultureコンサートホールでの開催が決まった。このホールは1910年に建造された歴史的な建物の中にあり、2003年に修築されている。かつて「ニューヨーカー」誌が“その暖かい音響から室内楽ではNYではこの会場に勝る所はない”と絶賛したほどである。この会場は合唱にも向いている。昔、NY男声合唱団が毎年冬に定期演奏会をここでやっていた。50人を越す男声のハーモニーはまさに圧巻だったのをよく覚えている。
About Performers
Mr. Sumiyama's Requiem Will Be Performed [2009/06/18]
A requiem composed by Mr. Sumiyama, a father of one of the 9.11 Japanese victims, will be performed for the first time at the 2nd Circle Wind Memorial Concert on Sep. 11, 2009. This song was originally composed for mixed choir, but has recently been arranged as a duo for violin and piano. It will be performed by Ms. Eiko Hosoi, a violinist and Ms. Mari Sumiyama, Mr. Sumiyama's wife. Mr. Sumiyama mentioned that it should be the ultimate memorial for their son if his requiem was actually performed at the concert by the victim's mother and her friend.
男声合唱フリーク [2009/06/09]
このブログをスタートさせて半年たった。もともと筆不精のわたしにはタイムリーに書き続けることは至難の業といっていい。本当に気が向いた時だけ書いている。ただこれから9.11のコンサートに向けて書く機会が増えていくと思う。先日知人から 「About Author」のカテゴリがあるのに何も書いてないですね、とお咎めをうけた。なるほど、自分をIdentifyしないのはちょっと失礼か。でも自分の半世紀以上にわたる人生を書き始めるととてもこのコラムでは収まらない。
今は音楽、特に合唱、その中でも男声合唱、またその中でもバーバーショップと多田武彦をこよなく愛する「男声おたく」とだけ申し上げておこう。これを英語に直すとMale Chorus Freakとでもいおうか。混声も女声も嫌いではないのです。ただ合唱特有のハモリの深さはとても男声にはかなわないだろうと思っているだけ。芸術性の問題ではない。あくまでもハモリの心地よさ、感動の深さの問題。それは独断と偏見だ、と言われればそれまで。議論にはならない。ここだけは「男」が好きなのだから。ただ私はゲイではありません。念のため。
そして大学の合唱団で知ったのがバーバーショップというスタイルのアカペラの男声4部合唱。アメリカの床屋で集まって歌うところから発達したというこのスタイル。実は奥が非常に深い。とても楽しくもあり、悲しくも歌える。表情を実に豊かにつけることが出来る。私が学生時代に結成したカルテットは今でも活動しているが、レパートリーの多くはこのバーバーショップの曲だ。普通のポップスやスタンダードの曲もわざわざこのスタイルに自分達で編曲して歌っている。編曲するのも楽しい。ただ、バリトンのパートは実に広い音域を要求される。バリトンの私としては結構エネルギーを使うのです。アメリカに住んでいて本当にありがたいのは本場のすごいバーバーショップ合唱を身近に聴ける事。New YorkにはBig Apple Chorusというメンバー70人を超す合唱団がある。毎年春にカーネギーの大ホールで行う恒例のJapan-US Music Festivalに今年私はCo-producerをさせていただいたが、最終ステージに彼らを呼んできて歌ってもらうことができた。まさに圧巻だった。彼らよりさらに上手いのがワシントンDCのAlexandria Harmonizerというグループ。メンバーは100人を超す。International Barbershop Contestで4度優勝しているだけあってその実力は非常に高い。先日5時間運転して彼らのSpring Concertを聴きに行って来た。振り付けあり、踊りあり、ジョークありでentertainerとしての一人一人の素質はもはや素人の域を完全に超えていると感じた次第。
Flutist Eriko Fukui Is Joining the Concert [2009/07/27]
One of the most active flutists in Japan is coming to NY to join our 911Circle Wind Memorial Concert in September. After graduating Toho Gakuen School of Music, Ms. Fukui went to Belgium and Switzerland to establish her career as a professional flutist. She is now in Japan and very active having concerts and participating a number of music events there. She will be the first flutist who performs at our 911 Memorial Concert.
Lawrence Craig Is Back ! [2009/08/01]
Some of you must remember the fantastic voice of Mr. Lawrence Craig when he sang "God Bless America" at our 1st 9.11 Circle Wind Memorial Concert last year. He is now decided to come back to join the concert this year. Known as one of the most dynamic and fine baritone soloists in New York City, Mr. Craig has been very active in a number of concerts and opera performances. We are very grateful that he could join us this year again despite his busy schedule and share the valuable moment with us on 9.11 with his great baritone voice.
Tsuneyosi Saito Dedicating a New Music to The Concert [2009/09/07]
One of the most popular and active music producers and composers in Japan, Tsuneyosi Saito, is writing a new music for the concert. It is titled as "Nuages Roses", meaning "clouds of roses"to be dedicated to the victims and their families of 9.11.
He will play the piece collaborating with a flutist, Eriko Fukui, at the concert. His participation to the concert is decided just recently.
Mr. Saito has been very active in Japan in producing musicals, plays and ballet music as well as composing a number of songs for animations and CMs. He is also known as a member of the trio, Kryzler & Kompany, that was formed while he was studying at Tokyo University of the Arts with Taro Hakase and Yoshinobu Takeshita (both are also popular and active in Japan).
斎藤 恒芳氏が新曲を発表!
ミュージカルやバレー音楽そして数々のアニメソングやCMソングで人気の音楽プロデューサー、斎藤恒芳氏の参加が決まった。本コンサートのために作曲した“Nuages Roses (バラの雲)"をフルートの福井恵利子さんとともに自らピアノ演奏する。この曲は先に出演が決まった福井さんの要望に答えて作られたものでつい数日前に完成。今回の9.11コンサートで初披露される。